Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Vegan MoFo Day 24: Smoky Lentil Sauce

I wanted something quick to eat this evening so I went for my favourite quick meal of rice, steamed veggies and a sauce. I have a basic lentil sauce that I make and then create variation by changing the spices and adding different herbs and vegetables. So I have a Creole lentil sauce, Cajun lentil sauce, raunchy red lentil sauce (based on the Raunchy Red Lentil Soup from La Dolce Vegan), lemony red lentil sauce etc etc. There are as many possibilities as your imagination can come up with.Today I decided to try a variation on the theme of yesterday's lentil soup.

Basic Red Lentil Sauce
1 small onion, finely chopped
2-3 cloves of garlic, crushed 
1 small red chilli (optional and if appropriate)
100 g/1/2 cup red lentils
150 ml/3/4 cup vegetable stock
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Other herbs and spices to taste

Saute the onion, garlic and chilli (if using) in 1 Tbsp vegetable stock (or olive oil, if you prefer.) Add lentils and vegetable stock plus spices as desired. Bring to the boil, cover, turn down the heat and simmer for between 10 and 15 minutes. Blend until smooth with a hand (immersion) blender.

Today I added 1/2 tsp smoked paprika and 1 Tbsp fresh parsley, finely chopped. I also added the almond mush left over from making almond milk the other day - 1/2 Tbsp ground almonds would do as well. After simmering I added the juice of half a lemon.

I served the sauce over steamed vegetables and a portion of Monday's seeded spicy rice. I think it would be better with plain brown rice so that the smoky paprika flavour could reign supreme without fighting with the spices in the spicy rice mix.

I divide the remaining sauce into single servings and freeze, ready for a really quick and easy dinner.


  1. I lost the piece of paper with your blog address on! But I found it today!

    This looks very tasty! Lentils really are superfoods, aren't they? We've had a couple of lentil-based soups for the last four days, but today's was lentil-less. John said he missed them! So this looks like just the sort of thing we'd love and a nice change from dahl.

    I'll add your blog to my blog-roll. :o)

  2. Thansk Penny - good to see you here. I love lentils
